Advanced Open Water Diver 進階開放水域潛水員

Advanced Open Water Diver Certification Course (2 days)
Day 1 & 2: Theory Session & Open Water training
Underwater Navigator (Mandatory)
Navigation patterns
Natural navigation (without a compass)
Compass navigation
How to “mark” or relocate a submerged object or position from the surface
Underwater map making
How to follow irregular courses with the Nav-Finder
Dive site relocation
How to estimate distance underwater
Search and Recovery Diver (Optional)
Search and recovery dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques and how to deal with potential problems
How to locate large and small objects using search patterns
How to use a lift bag and other recovery methods
Limited visibility search techniques
Night Dive (Optional)
Night dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques and potential problems
How to control your buoyancy at night
Entries, exits and underwater navigation at night
Nocturnal aquatic life, since many of the plants and animals you'll see are different
AWARE Fish Identification (Optional)
Fish Identification (Optional)
How to identify characteristics of local fish families and species
Fish survey techniques and strategies
How to practice fish identification dive planning, organization and procedures
Day 2: Theory Session & Open Water training
Deep Diver (Mandatory)
Techniques for diving in the deeper range of 18-40 metres/ 60-130 feet
Deep scuba diving equipment considerations
Experience in planning, organizing and making at least four deep dives under the supervision of your PADI Instructor
Peak Performance Buoyancy (Optional)
How to trim your scuba gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water
Nuances in determining weight so you’re not too light nor too heavy by even a slight degree
How to streamline to save air and move smoothly through the water
How to hover effortlessly in both a vertical position and a horizontal position
Boat Diving (Optional)
You’ll learn:
Boat Diver (Introduction - Optional)
Dive from boats ranging from small inflatables to giant live-aboards.
Gain experience and training from diving on boats in your local area.
Safely enter and exit the water.
sometimes it's better to hand your gear up to the crew and then climb in the boat.
sometimes you just take off your fins and weights and walk up the ladder.
Stow your gear in the most appropriate areas
Use surface lines to initiate or conclude your dives.
Locate basic boat safety equipment
第一天課程 學科&術科
水底導航 (必修單元)介紹:有航向便要導航/距離的估算/水底自然導航/水底導航方式的利用/指北針導航
搜索和尋回 (選修單元)
夜潛 (選修單元)
AWARE 魚類辨識 (選修單元)
第二天課程 學科&術科
深潛 (必修單元)介紹:深潛活動和目標/深潛:定義和限制/深潛裝備/深潛技巧/氮醉與減壓疾病
頂尖中性浮力 (選修單元)
船潛介紹 (選修單元)
1. 兩天進階課程的選修順序與內容視當天浪況而定
2. 學員必須自備課程內所需要之裝備器材